Monday, July 26, 2010

Giant FedEx from Blizzard can only mean one thing...

My review copy of the completely over-the-top special collector's edition of StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty is here.

This bad boy is one solid brick of content for $100.  It includes:
  • a PC/Mac version of the game on DVD
  • a light-up 2GB USB drive designed to look like the main character's dog tags, and pre-loaded with the complete original StarCraft Anthology
  • Behind the Scenes DVD
  • soundtrack CD
  • comic book
  • hardcover book The Art of StarCraft: Wings of Liberty
  • exclusive in-game "pet" for World of WarCraft
  • free downloadable content from
  • 4 guest passes: 2 for World of WarCraft, and 2 for StarCraft II
Say what you will about Blizzard, but they sure know how to stuff a box fully of nifty swag.

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