Thursday, April 7, 2011

Clue + Passover = Chametz: The Search is On!

Designer: Jay Falk
Publisher: Hazahak Inc.
Players: 2-6
Ages: 7+
Time: 30 min.
Price: $30
Publication Date: available now

Colonel Moti is ready for Passover and has invited Rabbi Greenberg over for snacks (kosher, of course) and a Torah lesson. One of the guests, however, is wandering around the Colonel's house with some chametz: food that's not properly kosher for Passover. By searching the house (inspired by a Clue board) and answering trivia questions, the players narrow down the field of suspects and find the culprit

Chametz: The Search is On! is a rarity: a Jewish-themed boardgame. Featuring a blend of trivia and Clue-style mystery, it seems well-designed for players of various ages, with three levels of difficulty for each question. For instance, one of the sample cards reads:
  • True or False: The last step in the seder is prayer.
  • The last step in the seder is: A) Afikoman (dessert) B) Hallel (Psalms of praise) C) Nirtzah (pray G-d accepts the mitzvah)
  • [What is] the last step in the seder?
According to the story in, the game is "Shabbat-friendly — rather than keeping track of the culprits on a notepad, as in Clue, players slip markers into slots on cards. The Jewish characters and content are slightly unexpected — Rabbi Greenberg (“Clue” has Rev. Green) is clean-shaven, while Professor Slivovitz sports a long, gray beard and, according to the Web site, teaches endocrinology."

H/T: Purple Pawn

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