Wednesday, July 28, 2010

World Boardgaming Championships

Run by the Boardgame Players Association, the World Boardgaming Championships attract about 1500 players a year to Lancaster, PA. The heart of convention is the tournament track, with more than 150 games for various skill levels from beginner to expert.

The 2010 WBC begins with some pre-gaming events this weekend, but the convention itself runs from August 2nd through the 8th. 

WBC also offers open gaming from a large game library, teaching demos for new games, and gaming opportunities for kids 12 and up. The vendor area attracts many of the major game companies, and an auction gives attendees a chance to pick up used and older titles. Eurogames, Avalon Hill titles, classic American-style games, and historical simulations are all represented.

For more information, check out the BPA website.

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