Wednesday, September 1, 2010

App O' The Mornin': Kamikaze Race

This old warhorse has been creaking around on the internet for years. A basic Java version can be found here, and the gameplay of the App version is fundamentally similar.

Kamizkaze Race is simply a horizontal scrolling game with simple left-right controls. The goal is to weave in and out of traffic without getting creamed. That's not always easy, since the vehicles are different sizes, traveling at different speeds, and even in different directions (9 lanes on the right, 3 on the left). 

Despite its simplicity and familiarity, this is still a decent game to have on your device. It's one of those "I don't care if I'm interrupted" games that you can start without worrying that you may have to stop. The App graphics are significantly better than those found in the Java versions.

This one shows up for free now and then, but it usually costs $2. It feels more like a $1 game, but maybe I'm just a cheapskate.

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