Thursday, September 23, 2010

Logogriphs (ANSWER)

I didn't post yesterday's piece on Logogriphs as a "puzzle" because it was just too obscure for modern readers, but I did hold back the answers in case anyone wanted to take a stab at it. Here is the poem again, with the answers at the end of each line. The Master word is LARGE.

What to the king alone pertains; [REGAL]
And what respect in gen'ral gains; [AGE]
A title English nobles bear; [EARL]
And what a farmer's horses wear; [GEAR]
What fictituious ne'er can be; [REAL]
With what betokens poverty; [RAG]
A word that has an angry cast; [RAGE]
Another, that we use for last; [LAG]
What in a dish of souse is good; [EAR]
A limb, when lost, supply'd with wood; [LEG]
A wind, of brisk yet gentle fame; [GALE]
A Yorkshire river's ancient name; [ARE]
And 'last, not least,' the spacious whole
Will lead you to the wish'd-for-goal. [LARGE]

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