Tuesday, September 28, 2010

PUZZLE: Sporting Chance

Bill covers the sports beat for a local newspaper. Has to file a story on the results of several hockey games played over the weekend, but his notes are incomplete. Would he be able to figure out the all the results from the partial information given in the table below? Can you?

TEAM            A      B     C
PLAYED          2      2     2
WON             2
TIED                   1
GOALS SCORED           2     3
GOALS AGAINST   1      4     7  


  1. Formatting may be a bit off since I can't insert HTML tags. Also, I had to (because that's who I am :) ) make sure the scores validated as well across the 3 games.

    TEAM A B C
    PLAYED 2 2 2
    WON 2 0 0
    LOST 0 1 1
    TIED 0 1 1
    GOALS SCORED 7 2 3

    Game scores:
    A vs. B -> 2-0
    B vs. C -> 2-2
    A vs. C -> 5-1


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