Monday, September 13, 2010

WIN: Bicycle Poker Chips

Our next giveaway is a single set of Bicycle Premium Tournament Poker Chips. These are 8 gram, casino grade, clay-filled chips. (By comparison, the lightweight plastic chips found in most homes are only 2 grams.) There are one hundred chips in a plastic tray.

The process is the same as before. Please note: if you already follow us on Google, RSS, Twitter, or Facebook, just let me know that you'd like to enter, and please do a retweet or some other kind of link share.

All you need to do to be eligible is:

1. Follow State of Play and/or share a link via:
    2. Let me know you'd like to have your name entered. Do this in one of the following ways:
    • Tweet me @StateOfPlayBlog
    • Post a message on the State of Play Facebook Page
    • Send an email to "" (replace the =at= with @) to have your name entered.  
    • Please don't forget to do one of these things or I won't know you've entered!
    • You may enter multiple times, but no more than once a day.
    The deadline is next Friday, September 17th, 2010.

    And don't forget to visit the Bicycle web site and follow them on their Facebook page.

    I'll choose winners by the scientific process of writing names on little pieces of paper and pulling them out of a hat.


    Prizes have been provided by the United States Playing Card Company.

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