Tuesday, October 19, 2010

State of State of Play: October 2010 Edition

Just a quick update to let you know what I’m doing around here. (NB: This is a housekeeping post, and will not meet your Minimum Daily Requirement of Gaming Content.)

Most things are staying the same, but I’ve dropped the Friday Linkaround. It wasn’t that popular in terms of traffic, and I can always link to interesting stories in short posts throughout the week. For boardgamers who want to keep up with all the latest release news, I’d recommend Boardgame News and the Twitterstream Digest at Seize Your Turn. Joystiq, Kotaku, and TouchArcade have the electronic news covered.

I’m probably going to level off to a more steady pace of one app in the morning, and one other post during the day. If something else comes up or I find an interesting news item, I’ll post it. I have a ton of feeds in my own reader, as I’m sure you do as well. It can be hard to keep up with all that reading. I'm trying to find that balance between "consistent and interesting content provider" and "over-posting, naval-gazing nuisance."

Poptober is going swimmingly, and the PvZ GelaSkin contest was hugely popular. I want to thank everyone who participated. Prizes for the first two weeks of contests will be mailing shortly, and I’ll announce the winner of the PvZ Collector’s Edition later today.

I'm considering putting up a blogroll, so if anyone has any suggestions, just shoot me a line at games =at= aptopub.com or message me on Twitter. I actually don't read that many gaming blogs, so it might be a good chance for me to discover some new ones.

Personal Stuff
For those who asked: my foot is fine and I still have my big toe. It’s my second favorite toe, so I’m happy about this.

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