Wednesday, October 6, 2010

WIN! Plants vs. Zombies GelaSkins

I'm giving away a few Plants Vs. Zombies GelaSkins, generously provided by PopCap. They fit either iPhone 4 or 3GS/3G/original. They do not fit on an iPod Touch.

GelaSkins are protective coverings for you device. They cling to the surface to prevent damage. They sell for about $15 each.

To enter, all you have to do is:

1. Share a link (even this one) or follow State of Play via:
Please note: if you already follow us on Google, RSS, Twitter, or Facebook, just let me know that you'd like to enter, and please do a retweet or some other kind of link share.

2. Let me know you want to enter. Do this in any of the following ways:
  • Leave a comment.
  • Tweet me @StateOfPlayBlog
  • Post a message on the State of Play Facebook Page
  • Send an email to "" (replace the =at= with @) to have your name entered.  
  • Please don't forget to do one of these things or I won't know you've entered!
The deadline is Friday, October 8, 2010. Deadline extended to Monday, October 11!

I'll choose winners by the scientific process of writing names on little pieces of paper and pulling them out of my Mario hat.



  1. ENTER ME FOR THE PvZ giveaway!!!

  2. Enter me for the contest please.

  3. Please enter me for the phone skin giveaway, thanks so much! :0)

  4. There's a zombie on the lawn. We don't zombies on the lawn.

  5. Enter me for the contest too please! =)

  6. Those look great! Tweeted (@OTGGamer) also following on google and following on facebook (and left a comment), please enter me in the contest.

  7. Enter me for the contest too please!Hope to win!


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