Wednesday, November 10, 2010

App O' The Mornin': WackyLands Boss Review

Grade: B
Price: $1

Although it's saddled with a flaky control system, WackyLands Boss still managed to pack plenty of fun into its hero-stompin' gameplay.

We've all spent way too much time fighting boss battles, so WackyLands Boss turns the tables and puts you in control of the Big Bad. Your boss is incredibly customizable, with even more options unlocked as you progress through the game. You can change eyes, limbs, torso and accessories to create the custom boss o' your dreams, and then equip him with a stone fist, chain mail, and a pretty bow in his hair.

The gameplay is simple side-scrolling combat, as you meet and destroy wave after wave of tiny enemies who seem to think they're "heroes" such as nights and archers. Once in a while, a princess in pink will come fluttering helplessly into the scene. This is your chance for a quick frilly snack, which also helps restore health.

The control scheme for all this would seem to be pretty straightforward, but it doesn't work so well in practice. Everything is done with swipes and taps: hold left or right to move that direction, tap for a light punch, swipe across for a heavy punch, swipe up to grab an object or princess, and swipe down to roll. That's all very nice, but the game moves to fast and simply doesn't correctly interpret your input. These leaves you fighting the interface rather than the enemy at certain points. It's not a consistent problem, but it's enough of a problem to cost you a few losses.

Nonetheless, there is plenty of gameplay here, with a number of levels and some minigames to stretch things out. It's possible to get used to the erratic interface, and the payoff is fun little bit of monstrous payback to all those nauseating little heroes.

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