Tuesday, January 4, 2011

In the mail... Mahjong!

Click to enlarge.
This nice little mahjong set arrived today: cheap price, sturdy construction, a decent case, and instructions written in fluent gibberish. It's a Chinese, rather than an American, set, which means it's missing the 8 joker tiles needed for the US rules. I'm more interested in the Chinese version anyway, but I should been more alert to the differences before ordering, particularly since the tiles lack any English markings whatsoever.

I have no idea how to play mahjong. I've never even seen it played. So, this will be a learning experience. I'll post some updates as we figure it out.


  1. Mahjong (4-player) is the best game in the world, I guarantee you'll be hooked. Check out the Mahjong Wiki (not on Wikipedia, although it's not bad) at mahjong.wikidot.com for some basic rules, but for the full experience you've got to find people to play with.

  2. I'm learning Chinese Mahjong rather than American-style. It just seems like a better, less fussy game.


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