Thursday, February 3, 2011

Crazy Machines Elements Coming This Spring

Given the popularity of physics gaming (particularly on mobile platforms) it was about time for Crazy Machines to stage a comeback. Crazy Machines Element is due in spring as download for both Xbox Live and the PlayStation Network. No word yet on an app version, but they'd be crazy not to make one. (Sorry about that one...)

Crazy Machines was the original chain reaction, Rube Goldberg puzzler, and it actually still gets a heavy workout from the junior gamers of Casa McD. This time, Crazy Machines is adding the four elements--fire, water, air, and earth--to the mix. There are also plenty of new parts, including flamethrowers and cloud machines.

I'll let the PR folks take it from here:

Crazy Machines Elements has three game modes. In Puzzle mode, players must finish 100 partially-built chain reaction machines using the parts specified to accomplish the various tasks. Inventors can create true chain reaction marvels that obey the laws of physics and not only satisfy the requirements of the task, but also demand some serious brain power, inventiveness and physical out-of-the-box thinking. 
An example of the fun: A ball knocks a candle over which then heats the water in a steam boiler, which in turn slowly starts moving a rope attached to it. The action of the rope rotates a grindstone tied to the other end, which rubs against another stone to generate a spark which lights the fireworks. Players can tinker with a variety of other crazy machines awaiting them in each chapter. 
Budding inventors can unlock numerous challenges by solving puzzles where they complete tasks using the fewest number of parts in the shortest time; there are as many ways to achieve a particular task as there are parts available. Crazy Machines also has an editor in which players can build and try out their own crazy machines!

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