Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Find the Future at the NY Public Library

Jane McGonigal, game designer and author of Reality is Broken, has created a scavenger hunt/gaming event to kick off the centenary of the New York Public Library

On May 20th, 500 people will be locked into the library overnight for the "Write all Night" kickoff event. They will "explore the building’s 70 miles of stacks, and, using laptops and smartphones, follow clues to such treasures as the Library’s copy of the Declaration of Independence in Thomas Jefferson’s hand. After finding each object, players will write short, personal essays inspired by their quest—for example, how would they write the Declaration? Winning the game means writing a collaborative book based on these personal stories about the future, and this volume will be added to the Library’s collections."

On May 21st, other people will be able to participate online.

H/T: Scott Nicholson via Twitter

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