Monday, September 12, 2011

Settlers of Catan: The Novel

Yep, it's for real. I remember reading about it when it was published in Germany a few years back. Now it's set for an English-language translation and publication on November 15th. Let's let Amazon explain the rest:
Wind howls through the village. Swords clash. Voices call desperately for help. It's the year 850, and the people of the small coastal village Elasund are feeling bitter. Hostile nations are attacking, taking everything and even murdering women and children and cattle. The village Council consults the runes and determines the clan's future: Candamir and his followers will build ships and head west to find a new home, leaving Osmund and his loyal ones in the north. After much effort, the settlers arrive in legendary Catan. But instead of their dream of island tranquility, fraternal strife threatens the entire community from the beginning... In this vivid depiction inspired by the wildly popular Settlers of Catan role playing game, Rebecca Gable takes readers on a journey that will feel at once familiar and fascinating to Catan’s many fans.

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